Monday, November 5, 2007

Natural Remedies - Odor Buster

I get asked all the  time from serious naturalists about deodorant. With all the nasty chemicals in commercial "underarm" protection products it is no wonder people need alternatives. Again since the skin is the largest organ of the body and absorbs 60-70% and especially since the underarm area is so close to the lymph glands it is important to go au natural. 

But unfortunately odor is a problem and must be dealt with.  There are a couple of choices - an over the counter solution is the mineral stick style deodorants, they offer good protection but an easy kitchen remedy is simply taking a fresh sliced lemon and rubbing it on the underarm area.  Please refrain from freshly shaved skin, could cause a nasty "bite" but other than that it works beautifully. 

Go GREEN!  Does not require packaging, can grow the product easily in your backyard and fights odor all day long.  The citric acid in the lemon suppresses the bacteria that causes underarm odor.  

Have a Beautiful Day

David Parker
The Cosmetic Chef

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